Brow Lift Before and After Photos (What it Entails, Aftercare and Benefits)

Brow lift is a trend in the present century as it enhances one beauty and gives that youthful look.

Brow lift before and after

A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of surgery to elevate not only the brow area but also the overall aesthetic of an individual.

Before we dive into the procedures of brow lifting, let’s have a simple understanding of brow lift.

What is Brow Lift?

Bella Hadid Brow Lift Before and After

A brow lift can be defined in simple terms as an eyebrow lift or a forehead lift. It is the lifting of a sagging eyebrow and the forehead using a surgical procedure. This act not only raises the brow and enhances the eye area, but also restores the youthful shape of the brow line. 

The surgery targets the skin and muscles of the forehead to smooth out wrinkles, raise the eyebrows, and impart a more alert, youthful, and energetic look to the face. This surgery is usually done by people who wish to correct the signs of aging. 

Types of Brow Lift

There are various types of brow lifts and what determines these various brow lifts are the techniques used during the surgery. Some of the various types of brow lifts are:

1. Traditional Coronal Brow Lift

The oldest used brow lift technique is the coronal brow lift.  It is also known as an open brow lift.

This type of brow lift involves a single incision from ear to ear that is placed across the forehead. The coronal brow lifts are for individuals with smaller foreheads who are also interested in lifting their hairline. 

Most times, the coronal brow lift can cause permanent numbness from behind the incision to the vertex of the scalp.

2. Endoscopic Brow Lift

The endoscopic brow lift involves the use of specialized surgical instruments and a tiny camera called an endoscope to perform the surgery through a few small incisions within the hairline.

This technique allows for minimal scarring and quicker recovery with lesser pain compared to the traditional coronal brow lift. With the aid of the camera, surgeons can safely identify any nerves close to the eyebrows and protect them during surgery. With this technique, the muscles and tissues beneath the skin are adjusted to elevate the brows and smooth out forehead wrinkles.

3. Temporal Brow Lift

A temporal brow lift also known as a limited incision brow lift targets the outer portion of the brow and forehead. It addresses the outer one-third portion of the eyebrows rather than the full brow area. The lateral brow is the portion that descends first as we age, thereby creating heaviness to the upper eyelid. With the aid of the temporal brow lift, there would reverse to the sagging. 

This approach is suitable for individuals with mild to moderate sagging or asymmetry in the outer brow area. This technique utilizes smaller incisions placed within the hairline resulting in reduced scarring and a shooter recovery time.

4. Trichophytic Brow Lift

This brow lift is used for individuals with higher hairlines. It involves removing a portion of the forehead skin to elevate the eyebrows. The incision is made just behind the hairline and it is done so that hair will grow right through it.

5. Trans – Blepharoplasty Brow Lift

This type of brow lift addresses the lateral brow. The brow lift is elevated with a standard upper blepharoplasty eyelid incision in the upper eyelid crease. The forehead is released from below using this approach, it is then fixated up with a short ½ inch incision behind the upper hairline. Just like the temporal brow lift, it takes a shorter time to heal.

6. Non – Surgical Brow Lift

This technique uses neurotoxin injection to lift the lateral eyebrows. To achieve the desired result, the orbicularis oculi muscle and the procerus muscles are injected. This procedure, although less painful, and a temporary effect. The technique is for individuals who are younger with early eyebrow descent.

How Much Does a Brow Lift Cost?

The cost of a brow lift can vary depending on different factors such as; the surgeon’s expertise, location, facility fees, and anesthesia expenses. Although on the average, the cost of a brow lift can range from $ 3,000 – $ 8,000.

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Benefits of Having a Brow Lift.

A brow lift procedure is most commonly carried out to correct the signs of aging. By doing a brow lift, you will be able to get a youthful appearance and enhance your beauty. Brow lifts also improve self-confidence as people with forehead wrinkles tend to feel less confident. By lifting your eyebrows, you can be able to feel more beautiful and confident in your skin without makeup.

Brow lift also helps to enhance facial harmony and balance, leading to a more rejuvenated overall aesthetic. Brow lifting is not just for aesthetic reasons but also to improve the lateral visual field. 

How to Prepare For a Brow Lift

To prepare for a brow lift, there must first of all be a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon to discuss the risks and benefits involved in the surgery. Then there would be adherence to pre-surgery guidelines such as; smokers quitting for several months before the surgery as smoking will slow down blood flow and prevent a smooth and fast healing period. 

Also, medications containing aspirin and anti-inflammatories should be avoided for two weeks before surgery as they can cause increased bleeding. Individuals with local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia will be asked to fast for seven hours before surgery. It is also important to not wear any makeup or apply cream on the day of surgery. 

Patients are advised to make necessary arrangements for recovery and aftercare by arranging for a way to get home and being accompanied by a friend or family member both for the surgery and aftercare.

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How Painful is a Brow Lift?

Brow lifts do not cause excessive pain as during the procedure, patients are typically under anesthesia which helps to minimize the discomfort or pain during the surgery. However, mild pain and discomfort are common for a few days after the eyebrow surgery procedure. Most times there might be some level of soreness, swelling, and bruising but all these symptoms can be managed with prescribed medication and adherence to the surgeon’s instruction.

How Long Does a Brow Lift Last?

The longevity of a brow lift varies from person to person. While a direct brow lift is a long-lasting surgery with fantastic results, it will not stop the aging process and gravity. Descent of the forehead and fine lines can occur years after the procedure. 

For long-lasting eyebrows, It is advised to live a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating well. Wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking. These simple actions can greatly influence the longevity of the eyebrows.

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Brow Lift After Care

After the brow lift, the forehead may be taped or the head may be loosely wrapped to minimize swelling and bruising after the surgery is completed. Also, a thin tube may be present to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect under the skin.

The bruises from the surgery may take 10 to 14 days to heal and sutures or clips will be removed when appropriate. 

During the healing process, certain instructions that will be given by the surgeon for aftercare may include:

  1. How to care for the surgical area and drains
  2. Medications to apply or take orally
  3. Specific things to look out for in the surgical area 
  4. Surgery follow-up timeline.

Other instructions might be given by the surgeon depending on the individual’s response to the surgery. 

In conclusion, a brow lift can enhance your facial appearance and give you a desired youthful look. Before going into surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best age to get an eyebrow lift?

There’s no specific age for an eyebrow lift as people age differently. Although most certified plastic surgeons state that the majority age bracket of brow lifts patients range from 40 to 65 years. Although, the brow lift procedure can be performed on younger patients who may have noticed the signs of aging or are unhappy with their heavy brows.

How painful is an eyebrow lift?

Brow lifts do not cause excessive pain as during the procedure, patients are typically under anesthesia which helps to minimize the discomfort or pain during the surgery. However, mild pain and discomfort are common for a few days after the eyebrow surgery procedure. 

Can eyebrows be lifted without surgery?

Yes it can, this procedure is usually referred to as the Non-Surgical Brow Lift. It is done by using a neurotoxin injection to lift the lateral eyebrows. To achieve the desired result, the orbicularis oculi muscle and the procerus muscles are injected. This procedure, although less painful, and a temporary effect. The technique is for individuals who are younger with early eyebrow descent

Can a brow lift look natural?

Yes, brow lifts give a natural and youthful look when perfectly done by a certified surgeon. Brow lifts usually create a more open look around the eyes and relieve the heaviness that can appear from drooping brows and eyelids. 

Does brow lift surgery leave scars?

Although there’s usually scarring after a brow lift, it is usually minimal. Also, the scarring depends upon the technique used and the patient. If there are scars, they should fade within 3-6 months of the brow surgery. There might also be a temporary numbness for several months after surgery.


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