13 easy steps to bible study for beginners

We all have different reasons for wanting to study the Bible, but one of the most common is that we want to know God better. The problem is, many people don’t know where to start or how to get there. This blog post will provide you with easy steps to bible study for beginners

Either you are a beginner or you are someone who just developed interest in bible study, it is easy to get started.

This blog post aims at walking you through the entire process of studying the bible as a beginner.

Let’s get started.

Easy steps to study the bible as a beginner

east steps to bible study for beginners

1. Create a spiritual growth plan

One of the easy steps to study the bible as a beginner is to first map out a growth plan. This plan covers the time of the day, hours or minutes you will be dedicating for bible study. You can choose to study the bible early in the morning, at noon, or in the evening, depending on your schedule. If you are a stay at home mom, studying the bible at noon or evening might really work for you, because your kids will be at school, and you would have little to no distraction.

2. Check out some easy to read bible translations

Next is to identify which translation you would like to use. You can start with an easy-to-read version, or choose one that has been translated into your native language. The reason for this is so that you can easily understand what you are reading.

3. choose where and when to study the bible

This is similar to the spiritual growth plan, and a big part of finding success in your bible study. You have to choose when and where you will be studying the bible, so that it is easy for you to follow through on your commitment. The best time might not be early morning or evening if you are busy with extra-curricular activities. Instead, try choosing lunchtime or even before bed.

4. Get a bible study notebook or Journal

It is easy to forget what you have learned in bible study if it can’t be recorded somewhere. For that reason, one of the first things you should do when starting a bible study is get yourself something to write down your thoughts and questions in. Check out my article on how to create your own bible study notebook here

5. Organize Your Study Materials

Organizing your materials is another of the easy steps to bible study for beginners. This step keeps you organized and allows you to keep track of what you are studying. I like using a notebook or journal for this purpose, but there is no wrong way as long as it works for your needs.

6. Make use of bible study app

If you have a smart phone, there are tons of bible study apps that can help simplify your journey. I recommend checking out the YouVersion Bible App. The App comes with a very easy to use navigation options. I have used this bible app for more than a year now and i would say it is one of the best bible study apps out there

7. Use easy to understand resources

There is no need for difficult reading materials when you first start studying the bible. In fact, it will just make things more complicated. I recommend using easy to understand resources like the YouVersion Bible App, Biblegateway, etc

8. Use different versions or translations

If you want more than one way of learning about a certain topic in the Bible, then try using different translations or versions. You might also find that reading a commentary on your passage is helpful as well.

9. Choose what to study

Some people will adhere to a certain chronological timeline of the Bible, and others will choose to tackle one book at a time. If you plan on reading all the way through, start with Genesis or maybe even Psalms for easy-to-understand passages. But i personally will recommend that as a beginner you should focus more on your identity, so i prefer that you start from the book of Hebrews.

10. select the bible study method you want to use

Another easy steps to bible study for beginners is to select the method of bible study you want to use. There are tons of them out there, choosing one that is easy for you and fits your style will make it easy to stick with. Do you need help with the bible study method to use, I will be making a list of them later in this blog post

11. Pray through the scriptures

Praying before, during, and after bible study is not only one of the easy steps to bible study for beginners, it is also one of the methods of unlocking ore from scriptures. Prayers are more than words, they are conversations. They open our mind and heart to God’s voice as we ask for direction and wisdom in all that we do. Prayer takes us out of ourselves into a higher realm where things can be seen from a different perspective. It is of neccesity that you pray before, during, and after Bible study so that the lessons gained will be sown on fertile ground

12. Act out scriptures

Acting out scriptures is easy steps to bible study for beginners. The New Testament records numerous examples of Jesus’ ministry that show how he lived the gospel so powerfully and effectively. We can do this too!

13. Be patient

Next on our list of easy steps to bible study for beginners is for you to be patient with yourself. It takes time for us to learn new things and we should not expect it to be easy in the beginning. Take your time when studying the bible and don’t worry about having it all figured out right away. I can assure you that you might feel like giving up at times, but keep going and it will all make sense.

Bible study methods for beginners

Like i mentioned earlier that i will be providing you with a list of best bible study methods for beginners, below is the list.

The S.O.A.P bible study method

W.O.R.D Bible study method

Verse mapping for beginners

Bible journaling ideas for beginners

What supplies do i need for bible study?

You will definitely have some supplies that you will need for bible study already in your closet. These are the things that you will need for easy bible study.

  1. Bible, this is first and foremost a must have during any type of bible study
  2. Journal or notebook to take notes on specific scriptures verses by verse as well as thoughts about what was read in your mind
  3. Pens and pencils in case you want to do some extra note taking
  4. Bible study apps like YouVersion and Bible Gateway
  5. Prayer Journal to keep track of your prayer requests as well as answers that come from God during bible study

How can i make bible study funful?

  • One easy way to make bible study funful is to set up a goal for your bible reading and try to reach it each day.
  • Another easy thing that you can do for yourself would be listening to music during the time of studying or praying. The kind of music will depend on what type of mood you want to have while you are praying.
  • Another easy way to enjoy bible study is to have a friend come over and do it with you. You can talk about what was said in the reading, compare notes, pray together or just laugh as things happen during your time of prayer/study.
  • Bible journaling
  • Scripture writing
  • Bible coding

The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and beauty. It can also be overwhelming for beginners, especially when it’s not clear where to start reading or how to get the most out of your study time.

Whether you’re new to Christianity or have been following Jesus all along, we hope these 13 easy steps to bible study for beginners will help make bible study accessible and enjoyable! What are some simple ways that work well for you? Let me know in the comments section below!

You can also check out our article on the benefits of bible study


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