How to build a better relationship with God – 7 simple steps that works

We all want a better relationship with God. We want to feel closer to Him, and we want the assurance that He is there for us in our times of need. But how do you build a better relationship with God? How do you know if what you are doing is working or not? This blog post will address some of these questions by presenting 7 simple steps that work for building a better relationship with your Heavenly Father!

But before we go into steps for building a better relationship, let’s take a look at what it means to have a good relationship with God

what does it mean to have a Good relationship with God?

Having a good relationship with God means that you are intimate with him. It means you are taking the necessary steps just so that you can look like him.

Often, people think that going to church, bearing Christian names equals being closer to God.

But that is not true, being close to God is far beyond that. It involves discipline, commitments, and time.

Just imagine when you initially met your spouse, you created time, you put calls across to each other, you went out on a date, just so that you can be intimate with each other.

If along the way, one of you begins to slack in commitments, the other party will be hurt and feel sidelined.

Our relationship with God is quite similar, with a little difference.

God is the one waiting for us to have a closer walk with him, even if it takes tons, decades of years for us to reallign back to his will, he is always in the waiting process, waiting for us.

Now, is that not wonderful? of course, it is.

Keep in mind, that the more we walk with God and learn to love Him more deeply than anything else, it will not only bless our relationship but also help us grow into better beings.

Why would we want a better relationship with God?

What is the consequence of not having a close walk with Him and how will this affect us in our lives?

How can we build a closer walk with God every day, so that it becomes just as intimate to have an even greater bond between ourselves and him.

lets’s start with the first question?

  • Relationship with God is necessary because we are His children. He loves us unconditionally and wants to have a relationship with us just as much as you want to be in someones life who loves you for your flaws, mistakes and all the other things that make up our individuality.
  • As his child, it is important to know that God knows what we are going to do in our lives. we were created for specific purposes, and to be able to know the reason why we are here, there is a need to have a close relationship with him
  • We should have a closer walk with him because not having this bond can cause us the following consequences: feeling sad, lonely and unsatisfied – which will lead to sinning more than usual and an overall discontentment on earth.
  • He knows all things and his presence with us guides us into all truth that pertains to live and Godliness. when we are about to make major decisions in our lives, he is always there to guide us into all truths.

How to have a closer walk with God?

How to have a better relationship with God

There are many ways to build a better relationship with God and here is one.

  1. See the need for a relationship: The main goal of a Believer should be that they want to be like Christ. In the journey of wanting to be like Christ, a need is established already, priority is what is next.
  2. make him your priority: Scripture says in Matthew 6:21: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also”. It means that until you see the need to want a relationship with God, you will always be busy. Making God your top most priority is one of the steps to make if you want a better and close relationship with God.
  3. Create time: when it comes to human relationship, time is a significant factor. you cant say you want to be close to someone and not create time for them. that’s impossible. Time is also something we must have if we want a significant relationship with God. A few months ago, i decided that i was going to be talking to God an hour daily, I kept to it, and I am almost a year gone. what i have gotten from this relationship is something that i can’t explain. God is real and he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him
  4. Study the Bible to know the ways of God: To have a better idea of an individual, studying them is the practical way to do that, You get to know about their do’s and dont’s, their hobbies, and interest. The Bible is the only manual that gives you an indepth knowledge about God. It gives you a proper understanding about who God is, his ways, and his precept. However, You might not know how to go about this as a beginner, I have created a few posts on bible study methods for beginners, see them below;
    how to study the bible for beginners, Verse mapping for beginners, Bible journaling ideas for beginners, and how to use the soap bible study method
  5. Join a Bible study Group: There are a lot of online bible study groups you can join, we have the girls, ladies, loving Jesus group on Facebook, You can join us. Also, you can join a bible study group in your local church or churches that rightly divide the word. scripture says that we shouldn’t forsake the fellowship of brethren.
  6. Have Godly friends: Godly friends gives you the push that is needed for a closer walk with god. you really need to have them around you. Check out my tips on how to find Godly friends.
  7. Constant communication: The last step on how to have a better relationship with God is to communicate with him in your thought, focus your imagination on him, and begin to engage him. Remember that you are one spirit with God, so he can hear your thought always.

Finally, I hope you have livened up your relationship with God. Not only does it improve the quality of life, but also shows that you have a strong and healthy faith in him.


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