25 Awesome benefits of bible study

In this post, we will discuss 25 awesome benefits of bible study. If you’re a Christian and have never taken the time to read your Bible, then it’s time to start! Reading the word of God has many different benefits for Christians. We’ll take a look at what these benefits are and how they can help you in your life.

25 awesome benefits of bible study

benefits of bible study 2

1. You’ll have a deeper relationship with God.

Reading the Bible really helps you connect to Him on an even more intimate level and it’s a way for us to deepen our bond between one another. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you (James 4:8)

2. Bible study builds us up.

If you’ve been struggling in certain areas of your life, it may be beneficial to find out what God says about those struggles. Reading the Bible can help build us up and make us stronger (Matthew 4:4)

3. You’ll be more fulfilled.

When we read in God’s word it helps us know there are truths out there for us to learn from Him. We can find out our purpose and what we’re meant to do with the life that He has given us. When you know there are truths waiting for you, it helps make your days feel more fulfilled (John :39)

4. God’s word sanctifies us.

Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (James 17:17) Another benefit of bible study is that it helps us grow closer to God. Even if we’re not perfect, or even close to being it, the Bible is a way for us to focus on Him and His word that can help sanctify our lives.

5. His word sets us free

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) “Another benefit of bible study is that it helps us to recognize the freedom and liberty God has given us. Sometimes we can feel stuck in a rut or like our lives are repeating itself over and over again, but when you look at His word as more than just another book, there’s so much good information that can help someone break free from what may feel like a never-ending cycle

6. Bible study can help us grow in knowledge of the Scriptures.

Not only does it provide insight on how to live life and what we should be striving for, but it also helps us understand more about history as well as other cultures that may have been different than ours

7. The word of God equips us

Equipping is one of the benefits of bible study. It prepares us for the future and gives a sense of direction in our lives. (Mathhew 4:4)

8. Word study helps us become more like Jesus

Reading the Bible can help make anyone want to be more Christlike, and not just in regards to what they say or do but in their everyday actions as well

9. The word of God makes us wise

An additional benefits of bible study is that we acknowledge, receive and become the wisdom in God’s word, and in turn, we impart that wisdom to other people.

10. Bible study can be a great motivator

Even if it’s just for five minutes or so, reading the Bible every day is better than not doing anything at all and having someone else tell you what it means instead of getting into God’s word yourself.

11. The word of God guides us

One of the best benefits of bible study is that it’s a life-long process, and each time we read or listen to God’s word, be can gain new insights. the word guides us through our every day life, as well as how to handle life situations. (Psalms 119:105)

12. studying God’s word transforms us

By reading and studying God’s word, we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. (Romans 12:2)

13. The word of God makes us one with him

By coming into God’s word every day, we are made one with him. (1 Corinthians 6:17)

14. God’s word strengthen us

Studying God’s word strengthens us, and gives us hope when we’re feeling down. (Psalms 105:4)

15. We are filled with wisdom

By reading God’s word daily, we will become wiser in our dealings with other people and the world around us. (Psalms 119:99)

16. Bible study is encouragement in hard seasons of life

When you’re going through a hard season of your life, the Bible can be an encouraging source for us to lean on.

17. It convicts us of sin

Another amazing benefits of bible study is that God’s word convicts us of sin and strengthens our resolve to turn away from it. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

18. We find hope in the Bible

Yet another benefit is that when we read God’s word, we are given hope for a better tomorrow. (Psalms 130:5)

19. Bible study builds up our faith

It’s amazing what happens when we read God’s word. The Bible builds up our faith and reminds us that even in the hard times, we are never alone. (Romans 10:17)

20. It delivers us from the craftiness of the enemy

When we read the Bible, it helps us to avoid the temptations of Satan.

21. God’s word gives comfort

One of the best benefits of bible study is that it gives comfort to the weary and heavy-laden. (Romans 8:28)

22. Bible study can help us know which direction we need to go

Another benefit of Bible study is that God’s word helps us know how to get back on track if we have been going in a different direction than what he has planned for us.

23. It delivers us from guiltful thoughts

when we read God’s word, it removes any shame or guilt that might have been surrounding our minds and hearts.

24. Studying the bible allows us to grow and mature

Another benefit of bible study is that it helps us to grow and mature into the person God wants us to be. (Matthew 4:4)

25. It strengthens our foundation

Bible study often includes memorization, which can help strengthen a Christian’s base in their faith when they are faced with trials or temptations.

Finally, The benefits of bible study are countless and it is easy to see why so many people take the time for this spiritual exercise. With just a few minutes each day, we can grow closer to God, learn more about His Word, and get guidance in our daily lives. We hope that these tips have helped you make your decision on where to start with Bible Study – do some research or reach out if you need help deciding! And remember; everything starts with one step at a time

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