word bible study – A guide for reading the entirety of scripture

Bible study is a great way to grow in your faith and learn more about God’s word. There are different ways you can go about studying the Bible, but one of the most popular methods is doing a word bible study.

A word Bible study is a great way to learn more about the Word of God, and it’s also an excellent opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in your day-to-day life. But where do you start? This post will walk you through how to do a word Bible study so that you can dive into Scripture with confidence!

What is word bible study?

A word Bible study is a way to dive deeper into Scripture by studying one word at the time. This makes it easy for you to go through the entire Bible in an organized manner and also retain more of what you read when compared to reading with no rhyme or reason.

why you should do a word bible study?

  • It’s easy to do.
  • Helps you retain information better. (The more time and energy you spend on a subject, the more likely it is that you will remember what you have learned.)
  • Allows for discovery of hidden truths in Scripture.
  • Gives context for verses when taken out of their original place.
  • Helps you comprehend the Bible’s big picture story line without being overwhelmed by too many details at once.
  • Makes it easier to find verses that have been used in other contexts or as proof texts for another topic.
  • You will be able to connect with Scripture on a deeper level, which can lead to spiritual growth.

How to do a word bible study?


what supplies do i need for word study?

You’ll need a Bible, of course! The easiest option is to buy one with the entire text on it.

  • A highlighter or pen can be helpful for marking words and phrases that stand out to you as important. You could also use sticky notes if you want to mark passages in your current reading without highlighting them
  • YouVersion Bible app: You can download this app from your android/ios device playstore
  • Bible study notebook: This is where you will write down inspirations, questions, and ideas you get during word study. The good thing about this is that you will always have something to make reference to.

How to do a WORD bible study?

The first thing you should do is consider a WORD bible study as more than just reading the Bible.

A word bible study is not about how much you read, but rather what you do with what you’ve read. It’s an opportunity to think through and reflect on Scripture in order for it to transform your life.

Irrespective of whatever method of bible study you are using, prayer is very important. It is important you pray before, during and after word study.

Having said all that let’s get started with the word bible study method

W – stands for write

The first step to take in the word study is to write down the word you want to focus on in your bible study journal.

In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:4,5

Write down the highlighted word in your journal

O – Observation

This is the part where you study the scripture in context, to make observations about the word you have just written down.

In this section, you get to ask tons of questions like who is the author of the passage? who is the passage written to? when and where was the book written?

What is the context of what’s going on when this word was said or written?

what type of Genre the book falls into?

Write down your observations in your bible study journal. This will help you when you go to take notes later on. You’ll have an idea of what points from this verse are worth noting including central theme

R – Reflection/relevance

Reflection and relevance enables you to think deeply about how a passage might apply to your life and how relevant it is to your life.

can the passage be personalized? how can you apply it to your own life? what is the new perspective gained from this verse? how has the verse instructed or encouraged you?

This are the questions you need to reflect on under this section of the biblical word study.

D – Declaration

finally on the word bible study method, this section is where you begin to declare the promises of God written in the scripture/verse you meditated upon. There are some promises written in the word you just meditated upon, Now is the time to declare those promises and birth them in prayers

Benefit of biblical word study

The benefit of biblical word study includes:

  1. – Learning the Bible in a chronological order
  2. – Understanding of the context of what was happening when that passage was written
  3. – All verses are interpreted through their historical and cultural setting, which allows for a richer understanding.

This is not intended to be exhaustive list but should give you some idea on how this method can help us understand scripture better.

The word bible study is a great way to get deeper in knowing Jesus. It also provides you with the opportunity to explore new passages of scripture that may not have been on your radar before.

If you’ve never considered doing one, or if you just want more tips and tools for how to do them better, kindly follow the guide I listed above.

For more bible study resources, you can read our articles on how to use the SOAP bible study method, How to study the bible for beginners, a quick guide to verse mapping for beginners, and how to create a bible study notebook


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