30 Daily Christian affirmations for women

Do you feel like you’re not good enough? Do you have a hard time believing in yourself and your abilities? Are the days too long, and the nights too short? Well, I’ve got some great news for you! This daily Christian affirmation is here to help eliminate those negative thoughts. The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), so remind yourself of this today by reading it aloud.

A few years back I had battled greatly with my self-esteem, I never felt beautiful, I felt useless, I wondered why God created me to be so slim, I wondered why I had a big head.

I was a confused kid in the block, I walked around with my head low in shame, I was scared to look people in the eyes because of the fear of what they might say about my look.

A few years down the line, I got into a conversation with a lady who once had self-esteem issues and had overcome, she then told me about daily affirmations,

I started the entire process, I did it void of understanding and made confessions without knowing what I was doing.

I still didn’t break out of low self-esteem.

Something about knowing who you are in Christ drives out Low esteem.

So in this article, I will be making a list of daily affirmations for women with the understanding of who you are in Christ.

As you recite them, something about your life will change. Amen

Why do we need daily Christian affirmation?


We need daily Christian affirmation to fight against:

  • low self-esteem
  • thoughts of self-worthlessness or fear
  • problems with people at work.
  • we need these affirmations because they will help us to see who we are in Christ and drive out low self-esteem. Amen!

How to use affirmations?

Affirmations are like a daily reminder of who we really are in Christ!

The best time to use an affirmation is either when you wake up or before bed, but it’s also beneficial during the day.

To get started with affirmations for women, come up with phrases that work well for you and say them out like the examples below:

20 Daily Christian affirmation for Women

  1. I have the ability of God, I can do all things
  2. He hasn’t given me the spirit of fear, I have a sound mind
  3. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, I stand blameless before him
  4. I am the visible image of the invisible God
  5. God has impacted his love nature into me, I am a love being
  6. I am free from satan’s dominion because the resurrection of Christ freed me
  7. The Lord has supplied my needs according to his riches in Glory. I am rich with his riches, my needs are met
  8. I am wise because Christ is made wisdom unto me
  9. Jesus paid for my sin, so I am dead to sin, sickness, and curses
  10. I have the ability to meet life challenges because Christ is my ability
  11. The Life of God is in me, I give life
  12. I know no limit, I know no limitation, because Christ is my limit
  13. Mediocrity is not found in my lot, because I am a Son
  14. God is what he says he is, I am what he says I am
  15. Christ is my identity and standard, I do not live a life below that
  16. I am the image of the father, I am beautiful, irrespective of whether I am chubby, or slim, this is how the father wants me to be
  17. The real me was recreated in Christ, so, I have his love nature and the faith nature of the Father
  18. I am the will of the Father, I am not a mistake
  19. God is intentional about me, I have clarity
  20. The Life of a Son is not limited, so I am limitless
  21. “I am fearfully and wonderfully made, crafted with love by a perfect Creator.” – Psalm 139:14
  22. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
  23. “I am a vessel of God’s grace, and His power is made perfect in my weaknesses.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9
  24. “I am chosen, holy, and dearly loved by God.” – Colossians 3:12
  25. “I walk in the light of Christ, and His truth sets me free.” – John 8:32
  26. “I am a woman of faith, trusting in God’s plan for my life.” – Proverbs 3:5-6
  27. “I am a reflection of God’s love, sharing His compassion and kindness with others.” – Ephesians 4:32
  28. “I am clothed in strength and dignity and can laugh without fear of the future.” – Proverbs 31:25
  29. “I choose joy in all circumstances, knowing that God is in control.” – James 1:2-3
  30. “I am a living testimony of God’s grace, and I will shine His light wherever I go.” – Matthew 5:16

We hope that this daily Christian affirmation for women will greatly help you. We pray it brings peace, joy, and wisdom as you navigate through the challenges of life. These messages are designed to reinforce God’s love for us and remind us of our value in His eyes no matter what we face. With these words on your lips daily, let Him fill your heart with a sense of purpose and meaning!

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