Christian marriage books: 12 must-reads for women

Christian marriage is a beautiful thing. However, it’s not always easy. Christian marriages can be difficult to maintain if you are not intentional about them. It takes work and effort on the part of both spouses to make sure that they stay strong through all of life’s ups and downs. That being said, there are many books out there that can help you find peace in your Christian marriage even when things seem difficult or stressful. This blog post reviews 15 Christian books every christian woman should read!

Whether or not you are a single woman, engaged or already married, reading Christian marriage books is a great idea. Christian books can give you insight on what to expect before, during and after your wedding day so that you understand the importance of being prepared for whatever comes your way.

Additionally, there is no good time to start reading marriage books, you can start reading them even years before you get married, or in marriage.

So, whether you have been married for five years or five seconds these Christian marriage books will be sure to help you as Christians in all areas of your married life!

12 Christian Marriage Books every woman Should Read:

1. “Every Woman’s Battle” by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn


This Christian marriage book is designed to help women who struggle with sexual temptation. It offers biblical insights into how a woman can find victory over this common issue, including the sense of shame that often accompanies it. Written by both men and women for all types of Christian women, it is a great read that offers practical advice.

2. “Love & Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

It’s a Christian marriage book that focuses on the most important needs that every woman has: love and respect. Written from both male and female perspectives, this book helps couples understand why their spouse responds to them the way they do and how to find a balance in their marriage. It is an easy read that offers practical advice for Christian couples looking to make changes.

3. “Give Them Grace” by Elyse Fitzpatrick


This Christian marriage book will help both husbands and wives learn how to deal with the pressures of modern society on relationships. Written from a Christian perspective, the book offers both biblical advice and practical tips on how to understand your spouse. It is a great read for those looking for techniques that work in any marriage situation.

4. “Sacred Marriage” by Gary Thomas

This Christian marriage book will help wives learn what God has designed their role as a wife to be: spiritual and practical. It also helps husbands learn how to love their wives in a way that reflects Christ’s sacrificial love for the Church. Advanced, yet easy to understand, this Christian marriage book will help you grow your relationship with God through your marriage

5. “The Good Wife Guide” by Penny Wilson


This Christian wife book is written to help women “do their best on the outside and inside to reflect God’s beauty.” It provides wives with a guide of what they should be doing in different seasons of life, including marriage. This Christian wife book also covers how to enjoy your married life through spiritual discipline

6. “The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted” by Gary Smalley


This Christian marriage book is a classic and features advice on how to improve your relationship with honesty, love, understanding, respect. Gary Smalley writes from a Christian perspective but the secular reader will also find his insights helpful

7. You and me forever by Francis Chan


A Christian marriage book which resolves that a successful marriage is not only about individual maturity but the willingness to commit to an enduring partnership. It also points out common marital problems like lack of commitment, support and communication

8. The excellent wife by Martha Peace


This book on marriage that explains how to be an excellent wife by using Proverbs 31 as a guide

9. A sacred search by Gary Thomas

A Christian marriage book which teaches that God created us for each other and our deepest longings can only be satisfied in the union of marriage

10. “The power of a praying wife” by Stormie Omartian


A Christian wife’s guide for understanding, praying, and experiencing God’s plan in her marriage. It has practical ideas for how to pray effectively so that wives can experience the power of their prayers

11. “Five love languages” by Gary Chapman

A Christian wife’s guide for understanding and meeting her partner’s needs. It offers practical ideas about the five love languages that will help wives know how to speak their husband’s language in a way that he understands best

12. “Love dare” by Stephen Kendrick

This Christian marriage book offers wives the challenge to complete one dare each day for 40 days. It is designed as a way of reconnecting with their spouse and drawing closer together through mutual love, respect, admiration, and support.

N.B: You can find any of these books on Amazon

FAQs about christian marriage books

  1. What is the best Christian marriage book?

There’s no such thing as “the” best Christian marriage book. The books on this list are all fantastic, and different audiences may find one more applicable to their life than another.

2. How long should I read a Christian Marriage Book before making changes in my relationship with my spouse?

You should read Christian marriage books with the goal of implementing some aspects that resonate with you and your partner in order to promote a life of shared joy, peace and harmony

3. How do I know which Christian Marriage Book is best for me?

There’s no such thing as “the” best Christian marriage book. The books on this list are all fantastic, and different audiences may find one more applicable to their life than another

4. What is the best Christian marriage book for newlyweds?

Just about any of these would be great! But if you’re looking for some topics that might help with your new found love and excitement of marriage, “The Christian Marriage Book for Newlyweds” by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell might be your best bet


Christian marriage books are a great way to learn about how to have an effective and healthy relationship with your spouse. They’re also a fantastic resource for singles who want to know more before they get married. If you’ve been struggling in your current or previous relationships, it may be time for you to start reading material! Check out our list of the best Christian marriage books I have provided above and see which one is right for you..

I will like to hear about the changes that took place in your relationship after you implemented the ideas you got from the Christian book you read.

Which Christian marriage books have you read?

Leave your favorite book in the comment section below! I want to hear about it.

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