How to grow your faith in God in 4 simple steps

Are you looking for ways to grow your faith in God? Have you ever had a time in your life when you just didn’t know how to feel about God? You were angry at Him. You felt abandoned by Him. Perhaps it was one of the most difficult times of your life, and you wondered if He cared for you.

This is not an uncommon story; so many people go through periods where they doubt their faith in God. However, some very simple steps can help strengthen your faith again! Here are 5 easy ways to grow your faith in God:

To be able to understand how to grow in faith, we will first take a brief look at what faith is.

What is Faith?

To know what faith is, let’s check out what scripture says about faith in Hebrews 11: “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of their reality.”

So faith is the belief in something that you hope to happen but haven’t seen yet. That sounds like a big responsibility! Fortunately, scripture also says this about our faith: “But without faith, it’s impossible to please Him”.

Simply, faith is the performance of hope.

Hope speaks of the future, but faith is now.

For example, you don’t hope that you will stop producing saliva, do you? Of course not. you can hope to buy a car next year, some believers hope to get healed.

Faith is simply acting on God’s word. If the word says you are healed, faith is believing that you are healed and working in respect to that.

You don’t say I am healed and lie down on the sick bed, take up your bed, and walk.

Faith is not hope, they are two different things.

Faith is actively doing what you are commanded.

You don’t hope to obey God, you simply do it because the word says so.

It’s hard for me to imagine someone who claims they have faith but can’t show any proof of their faith in action.

Facts about faith

  • we don’t need to grow faith in god, we simply need to act on what he already told us
  • Faith is not hope. it’s a confident belief in Jesus Christ
  • Faith is more than just intellectual assent or lip service: It means trusting deeply enough with your whole being that God will answer and deliver you from whatever burden weighs you down
  • we have the faith of Jesus, scripture says ‘looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith.
  • Every believer has the same measure of faith, the only difference is the way we exercise it “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.” Romans 12:3
  • we are not trying to have faith or to grow in faith, we all have equal faith, we were all given the same kind of faith, the God kind of faith, what you do with yours determines the kind of growth you get.
  • The only reason why you can’t have faith is if you are an unbeliever.
  • the growth of your faith, however, depends on you, not on God

Having said all that, let’s check out the various ways to grow our faith in God

How to grow your faith in god

  1. Get into the Word: scripture says in Matthew 4:4 “But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” For you to be able to increase your faith, take a look at what the word of God says about your situation and act upon it, exercise it. Faith is vague if you do not exercise it, it remains dormant.
  2. Exercise your faith: Faith is what food is to the body, If you take in too much food without exercising, you will become overweight, similarly, reading God’s word and not acting on it makes you overweight, you are full of knowledge but aren’t using the power of that knowledge. So too, faith, if it does not have works [to back it up], is by itself dead [inoperative and ineffective]. the work here is action
  3. Join a community of Godly friends: with or without faith, it is hard to go through every day alone. So connect with other believers in Jesus Christ where you live and unite together as one body for the glory of God! Sometimes your focus can drift from God’s word due to how overwhelming the situation you find yourself in is, reaching out to a couple of Godly friends puts you back on track. Read our article on how to find Godly friends. You can also join our Facebook online community here
  4. Prayer: Most believers pray, begging God to do what he has done already. Understanding the finished works of Christ and praying from that standpoint is a great exercise of faith.

Frequently asked questions about how to grow your faith?

How do you grow your faith in God?

It’s simple, meditate upon god’s word and act upon it. Feed your spirit daily by meditating on the word, the more you read the word, the more you feed your faith

what are some bible verses about growing faith

James 2:17, Hebrews 12:2, Romans 12:3, Hebrews 11:1

I hope that my blog post has helped you grow your faith in God. Remember to feed on the word always, this feeds your faith accordingly.

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