5 ways to lay down your burdens on Christ

Laying down your burdens on Christ is a weight off your shoulders that you can’t even imagine. The Bible says in Hebrews 12:1 “Let us run with endurance the race set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.” This blog post will share 5 ways to lay down your burdens, which are not just physical objects but also emotional and spiritual.

Remember that God has given each of his children the ability to carry their load so they may learn humility and strength through walking by faith rather than sight. When we choose to trust Him and lean into Him for help when life gets hard, He will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). So don’t let fear or worry keep you from living today.

However, some people don’t know what it means to lay down their burdens on God.

Let’s get into that.

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What does it mean to lay down your burden on Christ?

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” The first way is by coming to Christ. He heals the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) and can provide complete peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians).

To lay down your burden is to completely drop off everything at the savior’s feet.

one funny thing about humans is that we claim to have laid down our burdens on Christ, but in reality, we haven’t. This is because the weight of that burden can still be felt in our words, conduct, and facial expressions.

To have laid down your burden is to drop off the burden and its weight, whenever you do this, Christ is glorified because he is fully in charge, and you on the other hand experience peace from God’s rest.

4 Ways To Lay Down Your Burdens On God


God is so excited whenever we lay down our burdens and rely on his finished works. Below are 4 ways to lay down your burdens on God

1. Talk to God about it

As Christians, the first person we should communicate our problems to is God, not man. Most people prefer to reach out to friends first before coming to God, forgetting that God is more interested in your peace than any of your friends.

When you are burdened, the first thing you should do is to talk to God in meditation about your problems. He sincerely wants to hear you talk to him. ‘ cast your burden upon Jesus, for he sustains you. When we come to the table of Christ, our altars become his altar.

We pour out all before him and let go of any worries or problems that have burdened us. It is at this point that we can enjoy fellowship with others

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2. Meditate on Scriptures

Meditation on scriptures can be a great help as well. Psalm 119 talks about how burdens are lifted when we read scripture through meditation and prayer. ‘Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path’ Psalm 119:105. Get into the scriptures, and look out for bible verses that specifically deal with your burdens. Write them down, Meditate on them, declare them, and pray on them

3. Thanksgiving

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Philippians 4:6) whenever you want to present your request to God, do it with thanksgiving because you have the guarantee that he has all the resources needed to meet your needs.

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4. Talk to someone about it

A perfect person to share your burdens with is someone spiritual, this is why you need to surround yourself with Godly friends. Talk to them about what you are going through. sometimes the only thing that you need to get over a burden is to share it with someone

5. Affirmations

Try saying these affirmations out loud, or in your head while reading them aloud- ‘I am cared for and provided for. God is with me no matter what my situation is.’

Maintaining a positive state of mind even when you feel like there’s nothing good to look forward to can make an incredible difference. You may need to change your mindset so that you can create the life and future that you want.

Finally, when we’re burdened, our minds are clouded and it feels impossible to make any decisions.

But when you lay your burdens down on God with a prayer of surrendering them in faith, then the weight is lifted off your shoulders. It’s not about what others think or say, but rather how you feel after laying those burdens down that counts. So if this resonates with you today, kindly share with us using the comments below! What does it mean for you to “lay down” these things? How do you know they’ve been laid at all?


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