Do you want to know who a Godly woman is, the character she possesses, and what the bible has to say about her? Do not look any further, because in this article I will be digging deep into what being a Godly woman truly entails.
Ever been in a situation where you have questioned your Godliness because you saw another Lady down the street whose manner of approach to society and life at large is something worthy of emulation?
I have been there a couple of times, I have had encounters with people whose lives have minister Christ to me.
There was this Lady down my street that moved with so much audacity and boldness even when life situations that could have shipwrecked her faith had happened to her. I kept wondering where the Joy, peace, and boldness came from and how she was able to bear so much burden at such a tender age.
Fortunately for me, I had a session with her and I asked why she is always glittering with joy and hope in such an unfriendly situation, she replied with a sonorous voice that could quake the earth; it’s Jesus.
I wondered if it was the same Jesus I knew she was talking about, this led me into thorough thinking, I had to question a lot of things about Christ and the whole idea of being a Godly woman.
who is a Godly woman, and what defines her? Let’s check that out.
Table of Contents
Who is a Godly woman?
A Godly woman is born again, a woman that has accepted Christ as Lord and Saviour. She is a woman who mirrors Christ to her generation.
Another way to define her is to say that a Godly woman points others through her character, she is Christlikeness.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
Genesis 1:27 KJV
A Godly woman is one whose sins have been forgiven. One unique feature that comes with the Born again package is that you are given an opportunity to start a new life on a fresh page. It’s no longer on your principle that you live this new life, it’s based on the guidelines of Christ in God.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
Additionally, A Godly woman exhibits Christ-like characteristics.
Having said all that, let’s dive into what the bible says about a Godly woman, after which we will look into some of her characteristics
What does the bible say about the Godly woman
To get started with what the bible says about a Godly woman, let’s take a look at what characterises her.
Characteristics of a Godly woman
1. She is born again
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
The whole idea of being a Godly woman centres around being born again, without these factors in place, the whole Godly woman idea ends up as another fairy tale.
We can attest to the fact that we have friends that are morally ok; they do not smoke, their words are cultured, but yet they look void, why?
It’s simple, morality does not impute Christ nature into you. Being born again does..
Most importantly, morality is something they do base on the flesh, it is ruled by the Adamic nature. God is not interested in that, he is more interested in you being ruled by Christ.
Being ruled by Christ however allows morality to flow naturally, you don’t have to do much, Yield!.
2. A Godly woman is love
He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
1 John 4:8 KJV
Another important characteristics of a Godly woman is Love. She loves the way God loves. Her heart desire is that souls be won for Christ. God is love, and upon repentance, you received his love nature, as well as his wisdom and abilities
3. She is confident
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
2 Timothy 1:7 KJV
I know there are a lot of women out there struggling with their self worth and self-esteem and they result in doing things that are ungodly. However, a Godly woman results to God when her self esteem and self-worth is questioned.
Guess what, confidence is the result she gets from this because she has made God her source of confidence.
4. A Godly woman walks with precision
In all thy ways acknowledge him, And he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:6 KJV
There is a spirit at work in the life of every believer and that Spirit makes the believer work with precision.
A Godly woman is not confused. She knows per time what God wants her to do. She seeks the mind of Christ in all of her ways even to the tiniest of matters.
5. She is given to the Word and Prayers
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
Colossians 3:16 KJV
Most important of all, a Godly woman is someone who is given to the study of the word and prayers.
Consistent meditation on the word of God coupled with the prayers is an habit every believer should adopt.
The word of God is life and the channel through which this word gains more impact is through prayers.
As women aspiring to be like Christ, let’s strive to study the word and pray always because connecting with our essence which is Christ is the most important aspect of Christian living, and a better way to do this is to consistently study the word, meditate, and pray.
Are you looking for ways to meditate on God’s word, and you don’t know how to go about it? Here is a quick guide.
6. A Godly woman is disciplined
Another habit that characterize a Godly woman is discipline, she is disciplined both in act, speech, and conduct.
she sets goals and work towards actualizing them. She is so careful about what she feeds on.
A Godly wwoman is as well disciplined in speech, she has self control. She knows how to remain silent in anger, not to be abusive with her words. God is definitely proud of her. Do you want more on the disciplines of a Godly woman? Click here
7. She evangelize
Evangelism isn’t meant for pastors and evangelist alone. It is the duty of every believer to restore the lost souls back to Christ.
A Godly woman shares the word of God daily with people that comes in contact with her either through her character or by having conversation with them.
A lot of people have given their lives to Christ because of a particular trait they find irresistible in someone. Your character, the way you treat people speaks more volume to people around you than the bible you carry.
As Godly women, let’s ensure that what people see and want to emulate in us is Christlikeness.
Are you looking for creative ways to share the Gospel? Here is how to
How to be a Godly woman
There are certain things you need to put in place if you want to become a Godly woman.
- You must accept Christ as Lord and Saviour
- Get into the word and allow the life in the word shape you into the image of God
- Take a thorough look at all the weak areas in your life you need to work on, list them out, look for related scriptures in the word of God that addresses this issue. Meditate on those scripture prayerfully.
- Prayerfully look for a Godly woman as a mentor
- Be accountable to someone; find and make Godly friends that are on the same pursuit with you.
Finally, one most crucial point I will want you to stick with is that a Godly woman is one that has been forgiven, she knows her identity in christ, her nature has been changed and she mirrors Christ for all to see.
Are you a Godly woman? Are you aspiring to become one? This article should have helped you become one.
Do you have any recommendations and suggestions? Kindly use the comments.
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