Finding purpose in God, 9 tips to guide you

Finding purpose in God, what does it mean? How do I go about it? A lot of people out there have given definitions to their lives based on their academic,…

How to ask others to pray for you

Some people do not go well with the idea of asking others to pray for them.I personally do not know how to ask others to pray for me as well…

How to make a prayer journal

Are you in need of suggestive measures on how to start a prayer journal? In this guide, I will walk you through the entire process of making a prayer notebook/binder.…

How to be a Godly woman

Do you want to know who a Godly woman is, the character she possesses, and what the bible has to say about her? Do not look any further, because in…

Who am I in Christ? 7 must know truths

Who am I in Christ? I have pondered on this for a very long time. Even as a believer, I suffered from guilt, condemnation and fear which were all a…

How to create a spiritual growth plan

Are you someone who is looking for ways to grow in God and be fully matured just as Apostle Paul says in For when for the time ye ought to…

10 powerful scriptures for your war room

It’s no secret that prayer is critical in the spiritual battle for our lives. It’s often a good idea to have a designated space where we can go to pray…

13 easy steps to bible study for beginners

We all have different reasons for wanting to study the Bible, but one of the most common is that we want to know God better. The problem is, many people…

25 Awesome benefits of bible study

In this post, we will discuss 25 awesome benefits of bible study. If you’re a Christian and have never taken the time to read your Bible, then it’s time to…

word bible study – A guide for reading the entirety of scripture

Bible study is a great way to grow in your faith and learn more about God’s word. There are different ways you can go about studying the Bible, but one…